Mary Martha Society
Welcome to the MARY MARTHA family an organization for all women of Zion Lutheran Church.
Our Motto
Using our time and talents in support of others: “Serve the Lord with Gladness!” Psalm 100:2
In carrying on its work, Mary Martha is governed by the Word of God and will do nothing contrary to the doctrines and practice of Zion.
Our mission is to foster Christian love and fellowship, aid our church and encourage the support of charitable endeavors within Zion and the community.
Some of the projects and programs we support and provide are:
The spring and fall rummage sale,
Monthly financial support of a seminary student
Meals for funeral services at Zion
Valentine Bake Sale
Support Missionary work of the LCMS LWML
Shut-In remembrance at Christmas and other times of the year
And many more, as needed
We are blessed to work together with women who love the Lord, enjoy working to his benefit, and share the company and talents of other women of the same beliefs. We invite all the women of Zion to join us, to help us continue our work and be a part of Mary Martha………”many hands make light work”
Mary Martha meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. the second Monday of March, April, May September, October, November and December.
If you can not take part in our regular meetings we encourage you to volunteer your time helping with the rummage sale with whatever time you have, to offer to donate food when we are planning a dinner or funeral gathering, to bake for the Valentines Bake Sale,, and any other occasion where “many hands make light work”……..
Please consider joining us or joining in when you can……..Talk to any Mary Martha member, or call
Sheryl Hitsman , Secretary 231-330-6511